String art is everywhere at the moment and everyone wants their own bit of this art in their homes. String Art is weaving coloured string, wool, wire, or threads between hammered nails to make geometric patterns. This is a fun project that can be done by adults and kids, in any shape and colour you want.
You will need:
Wood block
Print out of patten
Small nails
Crochet string or thread
Step 1- Print out patten and place the printed design on a wood block, then tape it in place.
Step 2- Use the pattern as a guide, hammer nails around the outline of the feather shape. Remove the paper when you're finished.
Step 3- Start by tying a knot around the top nail to secure one end of the string to the board. Moving from nail too nail, wrap the string from the centre line of nails to the outer line of nails, to give the feather look to the project.
When you wish to change colour threads, cut and tie the string at the nail you're on, then start with a new colour. You can experiment with matching or contrasting string colours as you go. Tie a knot at the last nail you land on, and your project is finished!
All finished
Available on Amazon are some awesome kits if you'd like to give it ago.
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Happy Making.
Kelly Anne Jordan xx